Histone methylation has an important role in transcriptional regulation. However, unlike H3K4 and H3K9 methylation, the role of H4K20 monomethylation (H4K20me-1) in transcriptional regulation remains unclear. Here, we show that Wnt3a specifically stimulates H4K20 monomethylation at the T cell factor (TCF)-binding element through the histone methylase SET8. Additionally, SET8 is crucial for activation of the Wnt reporter gene and target genes in both mammalian cells and zebrafish. Furthermore, SET8 interacts with lymphoid enhancing factor-1 (LEF1)/TCF4 directly, and this interaction is regulated by Wnt3a. Therefore, we conclude that SET8 is a Wnt signaling mediator and is recruited by LEF1/TCF4 to regulate the transcription of Wnt-activated genes, possibly through H4K20 monomethylation at the target gene promoters. Our findings also indicate that H4K20me-1 is a marker for gene transcription activation, at least in canonical Wnt signaling.epigenetic regulation | zebrafish embryonic development C ovalent modifications on histone tails act sequentially or in combination to create docking sites for effectors and thus, change the chromatin packing status (1, 2). These modifications are implicated in gene transcription, DNA replication, and DNA repair to orchestrate DNA-based biological processes (3-5). Among these modifications, histone methylations are more stable and believed to have important effects on epigenetic information inheritance between cell divisions. Also, histone methylation has attracted considerable attention because of its diversity and complexity (6). Both lysine and arginine residues can be methylated. For lysine at histone N tails, it can be mono-, di-, or trimethylated (me-1, me-2, and me-3, respectively). The effects of methylation on DNA metabolism rely on the specific site and the number of the methylation sites (1, 6).Great progress has been made in characterizing histone methylation function. H3K4me-3 is well-known as a gene activation marker, whereas H3K9me-3 is associated with repression. Although modifications on H3 attract more attention, the N tail of histone H4 is essential for chromatin structure packing (7), and only K20 among the five lysine residues in histone H4 could be methylated in mammalian cells. However, the relationship between H4K20me-1 and gene transcription remains controversial. Since the discovery of related methylase SET8 (also known as PR-Set7), H4K20me-1 was identified as a transcription repression marker (8), and the H4K20me-1 related reader/effector L3MBT1 was identified (9). However, accumulating evidence shows that H4K20me-1 could function as a transcription activator. H4K20me-1 was reported to be associated with Pol II