The effect of ovarian predominating structures and uterine condition on the result of some diagnostic tools for the evaluation of endometritis was studied in postpartum (pp) Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (n = 58). Endometrial cytology (EC) and the evaluation of vaginal mucus by vaginoscopy or Metricheck were performed weekly from week 3 to 7 pp. The ovarian studies involved the predominating structures including cystic follicles with plasma progesterone (P(4) ; more or <1 ng/ml; >23 mm), corpus luteum (CL), pre-ovulatory follicles (10-23 mm) and small follicles (<10 mm). The uterine conditions comprised uterine involution, tonicity and fluid in uterus (FIU) regarding echogenicity extent. During week 5, the percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN%) was higher (p < 0.05) in animals with pre-ovulatory follicles (mean ± SEM, 26.3 ± 7.6%) than animals having CL (11.0 ± 3.6%). In cystic ovaries, during week 5, PMN% was higher (p < 0.05) in follicular cysts with low progesterone (P(4) < 1 ng/ml; 9.3 ± 2.6%) than those with high P(4) (P(4) ≥ 1 ng/ml; 1.5 ± 1.1%). Moreover, PMN% was higher (p < 0.01) in animals with non-involuted uterus (11.5 ± 7.4%) than those with involuted uterus (2.7 ± 0.6%) during week 7 pp. The animals that had abnormal mucus determined by Metricheck was higher in animals with atonic uterus than those with tonic uterus during week 6 (82.6% vs 51.5%; p < 0.05) and 7 (71.4% vs 25.7%; p < 0.01) pp. In addition, by vaginoscopy, the prevalence of animals with abnormal discharge showing small follicles (100%, 5/5) during week 3 pp and pre-ovulatory follicles (40.0%, 8/20) during week 5 pp was higher (p < 0.05) when compared to those having CL during week 3 (33.3%; 1/3) and week 5 pp (7.7%; 2/26), respectively. In conclusion, endometrial cytology, Metricheck and vaginoscopy were influenced by the predominating various ovarian structures and uterine condition in early pp high-yielding dairy cows.