of the dimer (or possibly mixture of dimers) encountered here, and that met with in the butadiene experiment.Acknowledgment.-The author is pleased to acknowledge his indebtedness to the Gates Laboratory for the hospitality and facilities extended him, and to his associates there for aid during his stay in Pasadena.
summaryThe homogeneous thermal polymerization of isoprene has been investigated in the temperature range of 286.5 to 371' a t pressures varying from 212 to 739 mm.; the principal process is interpreted as a bimolecular association reaction, the rate of which is expressible by k = 2.193(101°)See Devoto, Gam. chim. i t d , 61, 897 (1932): also Wyman and McMeelrin, THIS JOURNAL, 65, (2) h e r l i i f , {bid., 64, 4125 (1932). (3) Wyman, i b d , SS, 3292 (1931). 908 (1933); 66, 916 (1933).