This paper presents a study of the isothermal stability of INCONEL" alloys 718, 706, 909, and WASPALOY**. Standard annealed and aged materials were exposed at 593'C up to 10,OOOh and at 704'C up to 5,000h. The exposed materials were tested for room temperature tensile, room temperature impact, and high temperature tensile. The strength of alloy 909 degraded on 593°C exposure but 706 and 718 retained their strength. At 704°C exposure, WASPALOY had the best stability in terms of high temperature strength whilst 909 was the poorest and retained only 50% of its strength. On 704°C exposure, alloy 706 and WASPALOY retained their room temperature impact strength better than ahoy 718. The tested materials were subjected to optical microscopy to develop an understanding of the reasons for the above results.