A B S T R A C T Arterial concentrations and substrate exchange across the leg and splanchnic vascular beds were determined for glucose, lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, individual acidic and neutral amino acids, and free fatty acids (FFA) in six subjects at rest and during 4 h of exercise at approximately 30% of maximal oxygen uptake. FFA turnover and regional exchange were evaluated using "C-labeled oleic acid.The arterial glucose concentration was constant for the first 40 min of exercise, but fell progressively thereafter to levels 30% below basal. The arterial insulin level decreased continuously, while the arterial glucagon concentration had risen fivefold after 4 h of exercise. Uptake of glucose and FFA by the legs was markedly augmented during exercise, the increase in FFA uptake being a consequence of augmented arterial levels rather than increased fractional extraction. As exercise was continued beyond 40 min, the relative contribution of FFA to total oxygen metabolism rose progressively to 62%. In contrast, the contribution from glucose fell from 40% to 30% between 90 and 240 min. Leg output of alanine increased as exercise progressed.Splanchnic glucose production, which rose 100% above basal levels and remained so throughout exercise,