Die Elcmentaranalysen wurden im mikroanalytischen Laboratorium der ETH Zurich (Leitung : W . Manser) ausgefuhrt. Die NMR.-Spektren wurden in unscrer Instrumentalabteilung (Leitung fur NMR.-Service : Prof. J . F . M . 0 t h ) aufgenommen. Die masscnspektroskopischen Analysen verdanlren wir Herrni PD Dr.Summary. l,Z-Di-(p-methoxyphenyl)-ethanc-l, 2-diol gave in acid media bis-(4-methoxy-pheny1)-acetaldehyde, 4,4'-dimethoxy-deoxybenzoin, and 1, 2-di-(p-methoxypheny1)-ethylenc oxide; their respective yields being influenced by a t least 3 factors: (i) the acid, (ii) its concentration, and (iii) the reaction period.Bis-(4-methoxyplienyl)-acetaldehyde rearranged to the deoxybcnzoin in boiling sulfuric (50 yo) or phosphoric (75%) acids ( w / w ) , and to two isomeric 1,2-diacetoxy-l, 2-di-(p-methoxypheny1)ethanes when it was heated with acetic anhydride.The mechanisms of these reactions are discussed.