We introduce two notions of algebraic entropy for actions of cancellative right amenable semigroups S on discrete abelian groups A by endomorphisms; these extend the classical algebraic entropy for endomorphisms of abelian groups, corresponding to the case S = N. We investigate the fundamental properties of the algebraic entropy and compute it in several examples, paying special attention to the case when S is an amenable group.For actions of cancellative right amenable monoids on torsion abelian groups, we prove the so called Addition Theorem. In the same setting, we see that a Bridge Theorem connects the algebraic entropy with the topological entropy of the dual action by means of the Pontryagin duality, so that we derive an Addition Theorem for the topological entropy of actions of cancellative left amenable monoids on totally disconnected compact abelian groups.In Example 2.28 we show that the naïve generalization of this lemma for semidirect products fails, while Theorem 2.27 gives the correct generalization.Recall that a semigroup S is called Ore semigroup (or right reversible semigroup as in [63]) if it satisfies the left Ore condition, that is, for every a, b ∈ S there exist f, g ∈ S such that f a = gb.It is a well-known fact (see [63, Proposition 1.23]) that a right amenable semigroup S satisfies the left Ore condition, and that the group generated by S is of the form S −1 S.We use the following consequence of this property.Corollary 2.10. Let S be a right amenable semigroup, and s 1 , . . . , s k ∈ S. Then there exist t, r 1 , . . . , r k ∈ S such that t = r i s i for every i ∈ {1, . . . , k}.We conclude with the following relation between amenable monoids and amenable groups.