The response of a genotype each of C. molle and C. macrocarpum to drought (low soil moisture availability) was studied in a seasonally dry tropical environment throughout 3 consecutive years. Changes in soil water content, leaf water relations and gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, forage yield and leaf area index (LAI) were compared in wellwatered and droughted plots. Soil water depletion during the study occurred mostly at 0-20 cm depth. Minimum values of leaf relative water content, water potential (Κl) and net photosynthesis in unwatered plants were within the ranges: 68 (C. molle) to 70% (C. macrocarpum); -1.6 (C. molle) to -0.9 MPa (C. macrocarpum); and 8 (C. molle) to 10 ”mol/m 2 /s (C. macrocarpum), respectively. Leaf movements helped to avoid excessive solar radiation incidence, yet efficiency of chloroplast Photosystem II in stressed leaves of C. molle was negatively affected. Above-ground biomass and LAI were reduced only in C. macrocarpum (45-50% reduction) as a result of moisture stress. Leaves of both species behaved as isohydric, though larger declines in Κl in C. molle may suggest a less effective control of water loss; this promoted more leaf senescence. Drought survival in these species depends on a combination of avoidance and tolerance strategies; the relative importance of both mechanisms depends on species and the duration and intensity of water deficit. Further studies with a higher number of accessions/ecotypes of each species are suggested in order to corroborate our findings.Keywords: Acclimation, physiological response, soil transpirable water, tropical forage legumes, water stress.
ResumenEntre 2011 y 2013 en un ambiente de trĂłpico estacional seco de Maracay, Venezuela, fueron evaluados por su sobrevivencia a la sequĂa (baja disponibilidad de agua en el suelo) sendos genotipos de Centrosema molle y C. macrocarpum. Para el efecto en campo se determinaron los cambios en la humedad del suelo, las relaciones hĂdricas, el intercambio gaseoso de la hoja, la fluorescencia de la clorofila, el rendimiento del forraje y el Ăndice de ĂĄrea foliar (IAF) en plantas bajo riego y con estrĂ©s por sequĂa. El agotamiento de la humedad en el suelo ocurriĂł principalmente entre 0 y 20 cm. En las plantas bajo condiciones de sequĂa, los valores mĂnimos foliares del contenido relativo de humedad, potencial hĂdrico (Κl) y fotosĂntesis neta variaron, respectivamente, dentro de los rangos siguientes: 68 (C. molle) a 70% (C. macrocarpum), -1.6 (C. molle) a -0.9 MPa (C. macrocarpum), y 8 (C. molle) a 10 ”mol/m 2 por segundo (C. macrocarpum). Los movimientos foliares contribuyeron a la reducciĂłn de la alta incidencia de la radiaciĂłn solar, aunque en las hojas estresadas de C. molle la eficiencia del Fotosistema II del cloroplasto fue disminuida. La biomasa aĂ©rea y el IAF fueron afectados solo en C. macrocarpum (45-50% de reducciĂłn). Las hojas de ambas especies se comportaron como isohĂdricas, aunque la caĂda mĂĄs pronunciada del Κl en C. molle posiblemente es debida a un control menos efectivo de la pĂ©rd...