The object of this investigation was to develop a method for the quantitative fractionation of pure 2-methoxyoestrone, oestrone, ring D oc-ketolic oestrogens, oestradiol-17,B, 16-epioestriol and oestriol. This required, first, a technique for the Girard reaction which would result in quantitative recoveries, and, secondly, a method whereby the ketonic and non-ketonic oestrogen residues could be separated into fractions by partition chromatography. EXPERIMENTAL
MaterialsReagents used were A.R. unless otherwise stated. Diethyl ether, benzene, methanol, ethanol (96 %, by wt.), Celite 535 and the Kober reagents were purified, prepared and tested as described by Bauld & Greenway (1957). The final distillation of solvents was done in all-glass apparatus.Absolute ethanol. Purified ethanol (96 %, by wt.) was left overnight with calcium oxide (300 g./l.), refluxed for 1 hr. and distilled under anhydrous conditions. Magnesium ethoxide was prepared with 75 ml. of dry ethanol, 5 g. of magnesium turnings and 0 5 g. of iodine. Dry ethanol (925 ml.) was then added, refluxed for 4 hr. and distilled (Vogel, 1951).Hexane. Hexane (Anachemia, Montreal, Canada, technical grade, b.p. 65-690) was washed with conc. H2SO4 (6 x 85 ml./l.) for 45 min. per washing, water (2 x 350 ml./l.), N-KMnO4 in 3.7 N-HiSO4 (4 x 85 ml./l.) and left overnight with the last KMnO4 portion. The hexane was then washed with water (4 x 170 ml./l.), 0.5 M-Na3CO3(1 x 35 ml./l.), water (4 x 170 ml./l.) and dried over Na2S04.The solvent (up to 31.) was poured through a column (48 in. x I in.) of 6-12-mesh silica gel, distilled and the 67.2-68.8°fraction collected.Stained glassware was cleaned with a solution of 0-4Noxalic acid in 3-7 N-H2SO4 .Girard P reagent (Girard & Sandule8co, 1936). Commercial material was refluxed with acid-washed charcoal in ethanol (96 %) for 15 min., filtered and left overnight at 5°. The crystals were washed with ethanol and stored in a brown bottle in a desiccator.