ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThrough'out this year, while meeting with/talRing to my advisors about this project, 1 often wondered,. "Where do they ffnd th~ time?"The truth of the matter is, they did not have any time. Yet they were always somehow available when needed to offer help, assistance, and guidance. My thanks to Nancy Koroloff and Jack Hegrenes.
PREFACEWhen I initially applied to graduate school, I had in mind to "specialize," after the first year, in hospital s~cial work. For a number of ·reasons, I had, in the past, always liked the 11 feel 11 of the hospital setting. Also,' I had always been ·impres~ed with the hospital social workers that l had encountered during my previous jobs. They seemed .to have been in key positions· to provide some unique services that were, so to speak, on the. "cutting edgeu of life/sp~iety. · In-