Serological analysis of the red cells from members of a large French-Canadian kindred proved that the
Sw^a antigen is not part of the P1, Dombrock or Yt blood group systems. A linkage analysis of the AH7 blood group
locus in relation to 27 other loci indicates that SW is not closely linked to ABO, ACPI, ADA, AK1, C3, D2S5, DO,
ESD, F13A, EY, GLOl, GPT, HP, IGHG, JK, LU, MYCL, PI, PGP, PGM1, PLG, RH or YT. By inference the study
also allows exclusion of Sw^a from the Landsteiner-Wiener, Radin and Scianna blood group systems and exclusion of
SW from the p22.1 to p34 segment of chromosome 1.