Cache locality optimization is an efficient way for reducing the idle time of modern processors in waiting for needed data. This kind of optimization can be achieved either on the side of programmers or compilers with code level optimization or at system level through appropriate schemes, like reconfigurable cache organization and adequate prefetching or replacement strategies. For the former users need to know the problem, the reason, and the solution, while for the latter a platform is required for evaluating proposed and novel approaches.As existing simulation systems do not provide such information and platforms, we implemented a cache simulator that models the complete cache hierarchy and associated techniques. More specifically, it analyzes the feature of cache miss and provides information about the runtime accesses to data structures and the cache access behavior. Together with a visualization tool, this information enables the user to detect access hotspots and optimization strategies for tackling them. For supporting the study of different techniques with respect to cache configuration and management, this simulator models a variety of cache line replacement and prefetching policies, and allows the user to specify any cache organization, including cache size, cache set size, block size, and associativity. The simulator hence forms a research platform for investigating the influence of these techniques on the execution behavior of applications.