The theme "An assessment classification of formative assessment tools and digital tools" represents the meeting between a theme with a history in education -formative assessment, and another very current theme -the use of digital tools with an emphasis on commonly called apps (digital apps). The formative evaluation presents numerous scientific evidences of its potential in supporting students and teachers in overcoming weaknesses and deficiencies, with very positive impacts in terms of motivation, engagement, achievement and autonomy, thus justifying a study on the difficulties in rooting. Technology can guarantee a greater rootedness and a performance more aligned with inclusive education, considering the student's profile after leaving compulsory education. The qualitative methodology was adopted. The technological environment by nature stands out for its ease and efficiency in the collection, organization and treatment of data, thus meeting, one of the main limitations of formative assessment is the difficulty in collecting data on the interaction of learning and results as well as the analysis of formative feedback and evaluation. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that was possible and a new model of classification of apps for formative evaluation was built. The structure of our model comes from the correspondence between the characteristics and the purposes of the tools and / or techniques of formative assessment, and the potentialities and functionalities of applications for mobile devices, in an intrinsic link to Bloom's Taxonomy (2001). This classification was built from three classifications. One classification focuses on formative assessment techniques and cognitive development goals, another organizes apps by type of pedagogical activities, and finally, another organizes, not apps, but web tools serving cognitive development goals concerning a 1956 version of Bloom's Taxonomy.