X-RAY DATA FOR MELEZITOSE 299 (A= 1F79OA) on a camera of diameter 114-6 mm. The principal diffraction lines measured, together with their intensities, are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Oscillation and Weissenberg photographs of a single crystal of the monohydrate showed the crystal to be orthorhombic, and together with powder data the unit cell is calculated to be a=19-62+0-20, b=15*54+0-16, c=7-56+0-07k. The assignment of four molecules to the unit cell gives a calculated density of 1F505 g./cm.3 compared with a measured density of 1 51 g./cm.3 (pycnometer method). X-Ray powder diffraction lines of the dihydrate were indexed on the basis of an orthorhombic cell with dimensions a= 1980±0-20, b= 1565±0 16, c = 7*51 + 0 07 'A. The observed density (by flotation method) of 1-55 g./cm.3 (cf. Pionchon, 1897) agrees with the calculated value of 1-54 g./cm.3. The permission of the Ministry of Fuel and Power to publish this note is gratefully acknowledged.