“…capping agents required 51 ); (c) harsh deprotection reactions required; 33,49 (d) non-quantitative coupling yields; 51,127 (e) surface segregation 232 of acid and alkyl chain in mixed decyl/10-carboxydecyl mixed layers; 233 and (f) long term oxidation of the silicon substrate starting from defects sites in the monolayer. 107,117 To address some or all of the above concerns is a precondition if both the structural 78,89,119 and electronic 95 properties of the unoxidized crystalline silicon surface are to be retained upon the formation of an organicpassivated interface, that does not possess significant defect sites, 66,114,117,124,234,235 but rather increases the chemical stability of the interface. 32,115,147,152 3.4 Reactivity of olefin-and acetylene-terminated monolayers It is intuitive that issues on functional group incompatibilities with hydride terminations, as mentioned above, could be easily addressed by employing a symmetrical a,o-bifunctional molecule in the hydrosilylation step.…”