The aim of this study was to investigate the unique histologic structure of the normal human prepuce, paying particular attention to the resemblance and dissimilarities between the inner (ie, mucosa) and outer (ie, skin) layers. Histologic sections were stained using hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson stains. Transmission electron microscopy was used to evaluate the ultrastructure. Dense capillary networks can be observed in both the upper and lower dermal zones. The dermis lacks a dense collagenous zone. Melanocytes could not be observed in the mucosa. Elastin fibers and bundles were very abundant and dense. Early edema formation can be explained by the loose character of the dermal structure. Better graft "take" in mucosal grafts may be the result of the dense vascular dermal network. Mild hyperpigmentation can be explained by the limited number of melanocytes. However, this can also be observed in mucosal grafts, despite the absence of melanocytes. This may be solely the result of inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can be seen in skin grafts. The abundance of elastin fibers in the prepuce may be the reason behind the superior wound contraction inhibition.