There are several unleashing factors associated with spasticity worsening such as infection, pain, immobility, emotional factors, and others. Baclofen pumpis a standard treatment for selected severe spasticity cases. The authors report a case of a suspected baclofen pump malfunctioning in a paraplegic spastic patient secondary to spinal cord injury. Patient became refractory to intrathecal baclofen therapy (ITB), despite raising levels, in a complex flex mode infusion using Medtronic Infusion Pump Synchromed 2®. Image investigation and catheter patency tests were performed, without obstruction. Patient became from Modified Ashwoth Scale (MAS) 0 to 4 in different times during a day. The same occurred with Penn Spams Scale. Patient was diagnosed with cholecystitis andunderwent tolaparoscopic surgery. After gallbladder resection, patient became MAS 0 and Penn 0. Spasticity patients using ITB that become refractory to treatment should be evaluated for common unleashing factor, including cholecystitis, before suspecting of pump malfunctioning.