Ascariasis is a disease caused by the parasite known as Ascaris lumbricoides. The adult worms are known to affect the nutritional status of patients, mostly children under the age of five (5), leading to malnutrition and night blindness due to Vitamin A deficiency. The long term effect of the malnutrition is retarded growth; other symptoms are intermittent colicky cramps, loss of appetite, and obstruction of the intestinal tract. In this paper, the prevalence of Acariasis in 15 communities across 3 local governments in Adamawa North Senatorial District, Adamawa State, Nigeria was reported. A total of 450 faecal samples were collected from the participants after obtaining permission from relevant authorities including parents and guardians of underaged participants. The samples were then subjected to standard parasitological procedures such as direct mount and sedimentation method for detection of adult worms and eggs. The results obtained shows that Mubi-North (13.3%) recorded the highest prevalence compared to Mubi-South (11.1%) and Maiha (9.1). In relation to gender, the prevalence in males (37.3%) is slightly higher than that of females (28.9%). Lastly, the age-related prevalence shows that children of lower age groups are more infected than adults of higher age groups. Ascariasis is very common in communities with inadequate sanitation facilities, andit can be controlled through sensitization about improving personal hygiene and provision of portable water and sanitation facilities.