In 2012, the American Urological Association released a revision of their asymptomatic microscopic hematuria (AMH) guidelines. Our objectives were to assess adherence to these guidelines and to describe the prevalence of urinary tract malignancy in postmenopausal women at our institution.
Materials and Methods
This is a cross-sectional analysis of women over age 55 evaluated by Urogynecology or Urology from 8/2012-8/2014 for a diagnosis of AMH. Women who underwent evaluation for ≥3 RBC/HPF on microscopic urinalysis were considered “true AMH.” Those who were evaluated after a dipstick with blood and had <3 RBC/HPF on urinalysis or no urinalysis were considered “positive dipstick.” Demographics, laboratory values, imaging results, and cystoscopy findings were extracted from electronic medical records.
Our study population included 237 women (mean age 67.1±8.3 years). In our overall population 169/237(71.3%) had true AMH, 48/237(20.3%) had a positive dipstick, and 20/237(8.4%) underwent evaluation in the setting of a urinary tract infection. We detected 3(1.4%) urinary tract malignancies. One kidney cancer was identified in a 56 year-old, current smoker with a urine dipstick of 1+ blood. Two instances of bladder cancer were detected in women aged 58 and 64, one current and one nonsmoker with 6 and 42 RBC/HPF on urinalyses respectively.
In postmenopausal women evaluated for AMH, the overall prevalence of urinary tract malignancy was low (1.4%). In our population, 28.7% underwent evaluation without meeting guideline criteria for AMH. This demonstrates an opportunity to improve adherence to existing guidelines to provide high-quality care and avoid unnecessary, expensive testing.