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About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.comEmerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of online products and additional customer resources and services.Emerald is both COUNTER 4 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation. Uni ver sity Pro fes sor of Fi nance, The Ameri can Uni ver sity, Ko god College of Busi ness Ad min istra tion, De part ment of Fi nance and Real Es tate, 4400 Mas sa chusetts Ave nue, NW Wash ing ton, DC 20016-8044 and Gary H. Pow ell, As so ci ate Pro fes sor of Fi nance, Hood Col lege, De part ment of Eco nom ics and Man age ment, Fre der ick, Maryland 21701The Authors thank Ni raj Gupta for his re search as sis tance.
Ab stractThis study com pares the views of 170 sen ior man ag ers of regu lated (utili ties) and un regulated (manu fac tur ing) US cor po ra tions listed on the New York Stock Ex change about several divi dend pol icy is sues. Spe cifi cally, the study ex am ines re spon dents' views about fou r ex pla na tions for pay ing divi dends and 20 fac tors in flu enc ing divi dend pol icy. The re sul ts sug gest that all four ex pla na tions for pay ing divi dends (sig nal ing, bird-in-the-hand, ta x pref er ence, and agency costs) re ceive some sup port, but the sig nal ing ex pla na tion re ceive d more sup port than the other ex pla na tions. The evi dence also sug gests that the most im portant de ter mi nants of a com pa ny's divi dend pol icy were the level of cur rent and ex pected future earn ings and the pat tern or con ti nu ity of past divi dends. These fac tors have re mained re marka bly simi lar over time. Fi nally, regu lated and un regu lated com pa nies rank fac tors in flu enc ing divi dend pol icy more simi larly to day than in the past. This find ing may re flec t the chang ing eco nomic en vi ron ment for utili ties.