Learning non-taxonomic relations becomes an important research topic in ontology extension. Most of the existing learning approaches are mainly based on expert crafted corpora. These approaches are normally domain-speci¯c and the corpora acquisition is laborious and costly. On the other hand, based on the static corpora, it is not able to meet personalized needs of semantic relations discovery for various taxonomies. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for learning non-taxonomic relations on demand. For any supplied taxonomy, it can focus on the segment of the taxonomy and collect information dynamically about the taxonomic concepts by using Wikipedia as a learning source. Based on the newly generated corpus, non-taxonomic relations are acquired through three steps: a) semantic relatedness detection; b) relations extraction between concepts; and c) relations generalization within a hierarchy. The proposed approach is evaluated on three di®erent prede¯ned taxonomies and the experimental results show that it is e®ective in capturing non-taxonomic relations as needed and has good potential for the ontology extension on demand.