Increasing energy costs, the dependence on foreign oil supplies, and environmental concerns have emphasized the need to produce sustainable renewable fuels and chemicals. The strategy for producing next-generation biofuels must include efficient processes for biomass conversion to liquid fuels and the fuels must be compatible with current and future engines. Unfortunately, biofuel development generally takes place without any consideration of combustion characteristics, and combustion scientists typically measure biofuels properties without any feedback to the production design. We seek to optimize the fuel/engine system by bringing combustion performance, specifically for advanced next-generation engines, into the development of novel biosynthetic fuel pathways. Here we report an innovative coupling of combustion chemistry, from fundamentals to engine measurements, to the optimization of fuel production using metabolic engineering. We have established the necessary connections among the fundamental chemistry, engine science, and synthetic biology for fuel production, building a powerful framework for co-development of engines and biofuels.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was funded under LDRD Project Number 151308, "Tailoring Next-Generation Biofuels and their Combustion in Next-Generation Engines."Prof. Fei Qi (University of Science and Technology of China) and Prof. Ravi X. Fernandes (RWTH Aachen University) are gratefully acknowledged for their collaborative experiments characterizing the pyrolysis and ignition chemistry of 2,4-dimethylpentan-3-one.