[a] 1IntroductionTheo rigin of life is still an openq uestion, andr emains one of the great challenges of modernscience.Muchprogresshas been madesince the experiments in 1953 by Stanley Miller, [1] which opened up the wayf or an ew page of chemical science, prebioticchemistry,and prebioticchemical evolution. Prebiotic chemical evolution shouldd elineatethe various steps,which, starting fromprebioticmolecules presenti no ur earth about 4G A( billiony earsa go), have resultedi nt he first cellular forms capableo fu ndergoing autonomousb iological evolution. This pathway still hass everalu nexplained points -u nexplained bothe xperimentally andc onceptually.F or example,w ed on ot know how polymers of nucleic acid, DNAo rR NA,c ould arise prebiotically.Also,wedonot reallyknowhow the biogenesiso fo rdereds equenceso fD NA or RNAc amea bout, which also means thatt he prebiotico rigino faself-replicating RNAi ss till am yth; as imilar degreeo fu ncertainty is alsop resent( perhaps to as omewhat lesse xtent) for proteinsa nd enzymes,t he origin of the genetic code is still in ac loud, andw ed on ot have ap recisei deao ft he structure of the first protocells or cells,n or of the form andenergetics of the first metabolic cycles.Several research groups are active all around the world to tackle the origin of life,a nd we may expect that the above questions,s oon or later,w ill receive somek ind of an answer. However,s trangely enough, some of the abovementioned relevantq uestions and, in particular, the generalq uestion of the chemical constraints are not always properly considered in the literature.O ne of the reasonsf or this may be due to the paradigms that nowadays dominate the field of the origin of life,n amely,t he DNA-or RNA-centric view,w ith the underlying belief in the equation DNA = life;a ne quationt hat, in my opinion, has been very detrimental to the understanding of the notion of life,a nd of the origin of life in particular.F or ac riticism to this gene-centric view see,f or example, reports by Noble, [2] Capra and Luisi, [3] and Shapiro. [4,5]
2C ontingency in Prebiotic Evolution and BeyondAm ilestone in the narrative of the origin of life is certainly the StanleyM iller experiment, [1] which showed that a-amino acids could be synthesized by starting from Abstract:T his analysis starts from the view that prebiotic chemicale volution,l eading to the firstf orms of life on earth, was basedo naseries of sequential steps, each determined by its own contingent initial conditions.T his view is opposed to the more established one, which sees the origin of life as as eries of preordered series of events, where each one is deterministically caused by the previouso ne and causally determines the nexto ne. Some of them ain constraints of chemistry that affect such prebiotic chemical evolution are examined. The notion of contingency is seen as av ery important organizingp rocess subjected to chemistry,w hereby contingency also responds to ac ertain degree of determinism. Kinetic control, as another determinant a...