In situ Raman spectroscopy and rotating split-ring disk electrode were used to identify products formed on iron in 1M NaOH at 22~ at various peaks of cyclic voltammograms. The peak at the most active potential of the cathodic reverse sweep has been ascribed to the reduction of Fe304 to Fe 2+ species: this peak suggested that Fe304 started to form at the first peak of anodic sweep and that it built up at nobler potentials. The Raman spectroscopy has revealed the formation of Fe304 in the wide range of potentials, of ~-FeOOH and/or Fe304 at peak III of anodic sweep, and of ~]-Fe203 after prolonged polarization at a potential of 0.27V (SCE). Rapid cycling or long exposure resulted in the formation of Fe304 and a-FeOOH. It is suggested that the passivating film on iron in 1M NaOH is composed of an inner Fe304 layer and of an outer layer containing other products.The electrochemistry and corrosion of iron and carbon steel in hydroxide solutions have been studied by many authors (1-20). Technological importance of the iron/ hydroxide system is associated with alkaline batteries, with hydrolysis of water, and with corrosion in hot alkalies. Extensive studies have been devoted particularly to the passivation and composition of passive films.Hydrolysis of soluble corrosion products on iron in alkalies leads to the formation of Fe(OH)2 (21). Eventually there are formed Fe304 (22), ~-Fe203 (23, 24), ~-FeOOH (21, 23) and other oxyhydroxides (25). ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-04-11 to IP