The issue of preventing professional deformation of a teacher in an educational organization arouses a stable interest on the part of science and practice in the context of improving the quality of educational services provided to students in an educational organization. The professional deformation of the teacher is considered by us as accumulated changes in the qualities of the pedagogical worker under the influence of professional activity, social (external) and individual (internal) factors that negatively affect the quality of the labor functions of the subject of pedagogical labor, building a professional-personal life prospects, ways of self-improvement and self-realization. The study of scientific literature on the problem of research allowed us to meaningfully describe the prevention of professional deformation of a teacher in an educational organization as a process of appropriately designed measures aimed at minimizing the probability of distortion of the professional and personal profile of a pedagogical worker by updating the personal potential of a specialist and the resource opportunities of the environment (school, family, society) to optimize pedagogical work, create stress tolerance, improve the quality of life, achieve professional longevity of a teacher. We are justified ways (diagnostic, psychological and pedagogical, fascinating, vocational and amkmeological) of prevention of the teacher’s deformation, which allow to reduce negative factors leading to the manifestation of destructive changes in the teacher’s personality, were analyzed. We have identified organizational concentrators for preventing professional deformation of the teacher: a value-sense concentrate (activation of the value-sense position of timely stabilization of the professional functioning of the teacher in the present and future; developing confidence in the self-effectiveness and self-control of difficult situations; the implementation of external incentives for the formation of labor motivation; creation of a creative, psychological-safe atmosphere of professional achievements); informational and informative concentrate (expansion of the teacher’s awareness range about his own resources, as well as about the resources of the micro- and macrosocium in preventing professional deformation; accumulation of ideas about ways of professional self-development, self-improvement, stress resistance, self-preservation); A proactive concentrate (integrated use of externally defined and internally conditioned resources to address behavioural risk situations in education; mastering the ways of introspection, self-regulation of the emotional-will sphere; development of skills to build constructive professional communications; promoting the professional and personal growth of a teacher).