The aim of this paper is to introduce the mini-track on Electronic Government Education organized as part of the Electronic Government Track at the 47 th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences .
I. RATIONALESuccessful execution of Electronic Government (EGOV) initiatives requires collaboration from a variety of stakeholders, each playing a certain role and bringing their experience and knowledge to fulfill this role. However, such stakeholders must have a common understanding of the transformative role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in government, in interactions between government, citizens and other non-state actors, and in the society as a whole. To develop such understanding, many governments are undertaking concrete efforts to train and educate civil servants on ICT-and EGOV-related issues. The minitrack provides a forum where academics, practitioners and educators present and discuss their insights and experiences in building EGOV human capacity.
II. FOCUSThe mini-track focuses on the acquisition, utilization, and continued development of the competencies required in planning, development, and usage of public sector ICT and EGOV. Of interest are enquiries and cases related to: actors and their responsibilities and roles; competencies requirement by different roles; competency-building approaches including academic and professional education, training, apprenticeship and capacity building; body of knowledge, competency frameworks and curriculum development; pedagogical approaches, learning innovation, technology and gaming; assessment methods, certification and licensing; and others. Also of interest are enquiries and cases related to the organizational environment where EGOV education takes place: competency transfer and internationalization; continued and institutionalized learning; accreditation; competency-based personnel management; professional societies and associations.
III. ACCEPTED PAPERSThe mini-track accepted two papers. The first paper [1] presents results of the project TEDS@wildau. The project integrated the TEDS framework -an evaluation framework based on value-added processes of considering the needs of human actors using information systems -into the Moodle learning platform. Relying on the TEDS framework as a tool to evaluate e-learning systems, the paper explains didactical and technical details of a proposed solution implementing the TEDS framework into the Moodle platform. It also discusses how the integrated approach can be used in e-Government to enhance the design of e-Government platforms to conduct public consultations and to better understand citizens' needs.