Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies of the diastereomers of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycer0-3-thiophosphocholine (DPPsC) have been carried out to determine the effect of phosphate structure and configuration on the phase-transition properties of these analogues of natural 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) in the multilamellar form. Both the Sp and RP + Sp isomers showed a "pretransition" (Tpt = 43.7 and 43.8 OC, respectively) and a "main transition" ( T , = 45.0 and 44.8 OC, respectively). The corresponding values for DPPC were 35.1 and 41 $5 OC, respectively. (Rp)-DPPsC, however, showed a single, broad transition at 45.9 OC with significantly higher AH. Addition of 15% (&)-DPPsC to the RP isomer converted the broad DSC trace to a "normal" pattern, with Tpt and T, at 42.8 and 44.7 OC, respectively. These suggest that the broad, highly endothermic transition is a unique property of pure (Rp)-DPPsC, which could be a superposition of subtransition, pretransition, and main transition based on the following results. While (Sp)-and (RP + Sp)-DPPsC showed a subtransition near 20 OC following prolonged incubation at 0 OC, a property also possessed by DPPC, (Rp)-DPPsC showed no discernible subtransition following incubation at 0 OC. Furthermore, it was found that (Rp)-DPPsC can indeed exist in the gel phase but relaxes rapidly to a lower energy phase, presumably the subphase. The half-life of the metastable gel phase was found to increase with decreasing diastereomeric purity of (Rp)-DPPsC. These studies suggest that (Rp)-DPPsC is thermodynamically and kinetically more stable at the subphase and demonstrate that the structure and configuration at the phosphate group of phospholipids have a large effect on the thermotropic properties of membranes, particularly in the subtransition temperature. The results are discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions and chiral discrimination in phospholipid membranes.The effect of chirality on the molecular interactions of membranes has received increasing attention in recent years.' One important question is whether there are chiral discrimination factors in membranes, as their main constituents and many of the compounds which must traverse them are chiral. The general approach to determine "enantiomer discrimination" has been to compare the physical properties of isomerically pure phospholipids with those of the mixture of enantiomers. Arnett and co-workers have clearly demonstrated enantiomer discrimination in the monolayers of enantiomeric and racemic N-(a-methylbenzy1)-stearamide.'q3 Chiral discrimination between monolayers of enantiomeric and racemic phospholipids has also been reported in the force-area isotherms of monolayers of 1-stearoyl-2-lauroylph~sphatidylcholine~ and in the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies of multilamellar DPPC5-' However, Arnett and Gold* have been unable to detect any significant difference between racemic DPPC and its enantiomers in their meticulous studies using DSC, NMR, and monolayer techniques. (1) For pa...