Evidences indicate that the dark energy constitutes about two thirds of the critical density of the universe. If the dark energy is an evolving pseudo scalar field that couples to electromagnetism, a cosmic magnetic seed field can be produced via spinoidal instability during the formation of largescale structures. PACS number(s): 98.35. Eg, 98.80.Cq Recent astrophysical and cosmological observations such as dynamical mass, Type Ia supernovae (SNe), gravitational lensing, and cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, concordantly prevail a spatially flat universe containing a mixture of matter and a dominant smooth component with effective negative pressure [1]. The simplest possibility for this component is a cosmological constant. A dynamical variation calls for the existence of dark energy whose equation of state approaches that of the cosmological constant at recent epochs. Many possibilities have been proposed to explain for the dark energy. Most of the dark energy models involve the dynamical evolution of classical scalar fields or quintessence (Q). For a Q-model, the dynamics is governed by the scalar field potential such that the vacuum energy becomes dynamically important only at recent epochs and gives rise to an effective cosmological constant today. So far, many different kinds of scalar field potentials have been proposed. They include pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (PNGB), inverse power law, exponential, tracking oscillating, and others [2]. Upcoming observations will measure the equation of state so as to discriminate between these models and distinguish them from the cosmological constant [3].Since the scalar potential V (φ) of the Q field is scarcely known, it is convenient to discuss the evolution of φ through the equation of state, p φ = w φ ρ φ . Physically, 1 ≥ w φ ≥ −1, where the latter equality holds for a pure vacuum state. Lately some progress has been made in constraining the behavior of Q fields from observational data. A combined large scale structure (LSS), SNe, and CMB analysis has set an upper limit on Q-models with a constant w φ < −0.7 [4], and a more recent analysis of CMB observations gives w φ = −0.82 +0.14 −0.11 [5]. Furthermore, the SNe data and measurements of the position of the acoustic peaks in the CMB anisotropy spectrum have been used to put a constraint on the present w 0 φ ≤ −0.96 [6].The apparent brightness of the farthest SN observed to date, SN1997ff at redshift z ∼ 1.7, is consistent with that expected in the decelerating phase of the flat ΛCDM model with Ω Λ ≃ 0.7 [7], inferring w φ = −1 for z < 1.7. In addition, several attempts have been made to test different Q-models [8]. Nevertheless, it is primitive to differentiate between the variations, and the reconstruction of V (φ) would require next-generation observations.Although the physical state of the dark energy can be probed through its gravitational effects on the cosmological evolution, it is important in fundamental physics to understand whether the quintessence is a nearly massless, slowing rolling...