The purpose of this paper is to understand the reasons that hinder the use of digital libraries.
This study analyzed data obtained through a web survey sent to 14,763 faculty members in Brazilian universities. Of the 6,689 respondents, 1,075 (16.1%) reported not using the Capes digital library and 1,017 answered the questionnaire for non-users.
Results showed that the main reasons for non-use are lack of knowledge of the existence of the Capes digital library, use of other resources, preference for printed journals and difficulty of access. Eight factors of non-use were elicited: insufficient dissemination, inadequacies in contents, in infrastructure, in access policy, in training and in the interface, personal constraints and personal attitude. The reasons and factors for non-use were categorized as intrinsic and extrinsic to the digital library. Intrinsic reasons relate to characteristics of the Capes digital library. Extrinsic factors are influenced by user characteristics. The chi-square test demonstrated that the variables: area of knowledge, age, hours dedicated to research and computer skills influence non-use.
This study has contributed to research about non-users of digital libraries, differing from previous research by surveying a large-scale population and by investigating in a single work the reasons for non-use, other electronic sources used by non-users, advantages of using the digital library and intention of non-users to become users if barriers were removed. Qualitative data complemented the quantitative data collected which allowed a more complete picture of the respondent’s positions.