Using single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, time-resolved conformational changes between fluorescently labeled tRNA have been characterized within surface-immobilized ribosomes proceeding through a complete cycle of translation elongation. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to observe aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) stably accommodating into the aminoacyl site (A site) of the ribosome via a multistep, elongation factor-Tu dependent process. Subsequently, tRNA molecules, bound at the peptidyl site and A site, fluctuate between two configurations assigned as classical and hybrid states. The lifetime of classical and hybrid states, measured for complexes carrying aa-tRNA and peptidyl-tRNA at the A site, shows that peptide bond formation decreases the lifetime of the classical-state tRNA configuration by Ϸ6-fold. These data suggest that the growing peptide chain plays a role in modulating fluctuations between hybrid and classical states. Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer was also used to observe aa-tRNA accommodation coupled with elongation factor G-mediated translocation. Dynamic rearrangements in tRNA configuration are also observed subsequent to the translocation reaction. This work underscores the importance of dynamics in ribosome function and demonstrates single-particle enzymology in a system of more than two components. P rotein synthesis, catalyzed by the ribosome, is rapid, processive, and highly regulated. In bacteria, two RNA-protein subunits consisting of a small 30S subunit and a large 50S subunit assemble around a mRNA template into a roughly spherical 70S particle that translates the nucleotide sequence into a polypeptide chain through repetitive, codon-dependent binding of aminoacylated tRNA.The landmark structures of the 30S (1, 2), 50S (3, 4), and 70S (5) ribosomal particles provide a molecular basis for understanding ribosome function. tRNA molecules bind to the ribosome in a solvent-accessible channel at the subunit interface. Three binding sites for tRNA, called the aminoacyl site (A site), peptidyl site (P site), and exit site (E site), have been identified on both the large and small subunit (Fig. 1). Each tRNA is separated from its neighbor at the elbow region (the site of Ϸ90°b ending) by 25-45 Å (5, 6). The anticodon stem loops of A-and P-site tRNA form Watson-Crick base pairs with adjacent mRNA codons on the 30S subunit (5, 7), whereas the 3Ј CCA terminal residues of A-and P-site tRNAs base-pair with conserved ribosomal RNA (rRNA) loops (8-10) within the 50S subunit peptidyltransferase center, the site of peptide bond formation (11). Additional interactions with rRNA and ribosomal proteins position tRNA molecules on the ribosome (5).The essential components and principal steps of translation have been delineated through genetic, biochemical, and kinetic methods (12). The process of polypeptide elongation has been most extensively characterized (13). Binding of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) to the A site occurs as a ''ternary complex'' with the GTPase elongation ...