Thirty patients with ischaemic heart disease scheduled for coronary artery bypass grafting were randomly allocated to three equal groups. Following morphine, hyoscine and pentobarbitone premedication, anaesthesia was induced with diazepam 0.3 mg kg-1. Five minutes later neuromuscular blockade was induced with pancuronium 0.1 mg kg-1, vecuronium 0.1 mg-1 or atracurium 0.5 mg kg-1, followed after 6 min by fentanyl 25 micrograms kg-1. Pancuronium and atracurium caused significant increases in heart rate, while vecuronium induced little change. Systemic vascular resistance decreased significantly from 1515 dyn s cm-5 to 1200 dyn s cm-5 following atracurium. Cardiac index was increased transiently in the atracurium group, but a more sustained increase was observed following pancuronium. Nine patients in the atracurium group showed skin flushing and one developed skin weals.