Increasing pea (Pisum sativum) seed nutritional value and particularly seed protein content, while maintaining yield, is an important challenge for further development of this crop. Seed protein content and yield are complex and unstable traits, integrating all the processes occurring during the plant life cycle. During filling, seeds are the main sink to which assimilates are preferentially allocated at the expense of vegetative organs. Nitrogen seed demand is satisfied partly by nitrogen acquired by the roots, but also by nitrogen remobilized from vegetative organs. In this study, we evaluated the respective roles of nitrogen source capacity and sink strength in the genetic variability of seed protein content and yield. We showed in eight genotypes of diverse origins that both the maximal rate of nitrogen accumulation in the seeds and nitrogen source capacity varied among genotypes. Then, to identify the genetic factors responsible for seed protein content and yield variation, we searched for quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seed traits and for indicators of sink strength and source nitrogen capacity. We detected 261 QTL across five environments for all traits measured. Most QTL for seed and plant traits mapped in clusters, raising the possibility of common underlying processes and candidate genes. In most environments, the genes Le and Afila, which control internode length and the switch between leaflets and tendrils, respectively, determined plant nitrogen status. Depending on the environment, these genes were linked to QTL of seed protein content and yield, suggesting that source-sink adjustments depend on growing conditions. The last two decades have seen an exponential increase in the number of plant sequences in databases and the explosion of investigations on the molecular functions and physiological roles of these genes. At the same time, new concepts, such as quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping followed by the development of statistical tools, have emerged in quantitative genetics to identify the genes involved in the genetic variability of complex traits (Lander and Botstein, 1989). The functions of thousands of genes have been identified mainly through knockout mutant analysis (Østergaard and Yanovsky, 2004), but also through QTL identification (for review, see Paran and Zamir, 2003). These tools can now be used to address the question of phenotypic plasticity-which genes control plant functioning in which environments-and to provide some clues about which forces shaped natural variation and the strategies that should be used to breed more adapted cultivars (Paran and Zamir, 2003;Reymond et al., 2003;Koornneef et al., 2004;Mitchell-Olds and Schmitt, 2006). In this respect, Tonsor et al. (2005) proposed to analyze natural genetic variation in the model species Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) to identify the role of genes having subtle, partially redundant, and/or environment-dependent effects on phenotypes, and to better understand gene interactions and pleiotropy. The study of natural genetic ...