An Inductively-Coupled Plasma/Selected-Ion Flow Tube (ICP/SIFT) tandem mass spectrometer has been employed in a systematic survey of room-temperature reactions of O 2 with 29 transition-metal ions. The atomic ions are produced at ca. 5500 K in an ICP source and are allowed to decay radiatively and to thermalize by collisions with Ar and He atoms prior to reaction. Rate coefficients were measured for the reactions of first-row atomic ions from Sc + to Zn + , of second-row atomic ions from Y + to Cd + (excluding Tc + ) and of third-row atomic ions from La + to Hg + . Both O-atom abstraction and O 2 addition were observed as primary reaction channels. Periodicities in reactivity are identified and are compared with periodicities in the O-atom affinity of the atomic ion. O-atom abstraction was observed to be efficient when exothermic and inefficient when endothermic. NbO + , MoO + , TaO + , and WO + reacted further in a second O-atom transfer reaction with O 2 . ReO 2 + produced by direct addition of O 2 to Re + reacted further by both O-atom abstraction and O 2 addition. Sequential O 2 addition was observed to produce the higher oxides: MO 3 + (M ) Ti, V, Y, Zr, Hf, Os), MO 4 + (M ) Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au), MO 5 + (M ) V, Re, Os), MO 6 + (M ) Nb, W, Re) and MO 7 + (M ) V). Novel termolecular reactions second-order in oxygen were identified for Os + and ZrO + at high oxygen concentrations to produce O 2 + and OsO + from Os + and a neutral metal oxide from Zr + .