This study addresses the issue of the bank-lending channel in Brazil,
with monthly aggregated data for the period 2004:12 to 2013:11. Using Vector
Error Correction Model (VECM), the paper identifies the functions of
long-term demand and supply of bank loans through exclusion restrictions and
exogeneity, applied to the estimated cointegration relations. The research
extends previous results (Mello and Pisu, 2010) for Brazil, showing that the
supply of loans depends on the banking spread and that, for the analyzed
period, the stock of bank credit contains information about the future path
of inflation. In addition , it performs robustness test in relation to the
results obtained in Bezerra et al. (2016 ) using the bank capital measure
initially used in Mello and Pisu (2010 ) and notes that the bank capital and
systemic liquidity have strong statistical significance.