The [H2, C, N, O]+ potential energy surface (PES) in its triplet state multiplicity has been explored by means
of high-level ab initio calculations, carried out in the framework of the G2 theory. From the PES survey we
conclude that some of the products of the N+(3P) + H2CO reaction are the result of a competitive dissociation
of the H2CON+ cation into NO+ + H2C or N + H2CO+. Although the first process is more exothermic than
the second one, it involves a conical intersection, and as a consequence N + H2CO+ are the dominant products.
NH + HCO+, which are also experimentally observed products, can be formed either by the dissociation of
the HCONH+ cation, through another conical intersection, or by the fragmentation of a quite stable
HN···HCO+ complex. Other possible products, such as CNH + OH+, HCN + OH+, and CO + NH2
+, although
exothermic, should not be observed since the corresponding reaction pathways involve high activation barriers.
These conclusions are in good agreement with the experimental evidence. The topology of the [H2, C, N, O]+
PES also explains why no reaction is observed when NH2
+ and CO or CH2 and NO+ interact in the gas
phase, while in CH2
+ + NO reactions, only the charge exchange channel is open. We also predict that the
dominant products in OH+ + HCN reactions should be NH + HCO+. However, when this reaction involves
the CNH isomer the observed products should be not only NH + HCO+ but also NH2
+ + CO.