To date, there are eight serologic tests rable to the sensitivity of the microhemagconsidered Standard for the serodiagnosis glutination assay (MHA-TP) of 97.6% in of syphilis; however, the syphilis Bio-untreated syphilis. The specificity of the EnzaBead test is the first commercially syphilis Bio-EnzaBead when read as deavailable enzyme-linked immunosorbent scribed above is 94.7%, compared with assay (ELISA) for the confirmation of a re-the 99.3% of the MHA-TP and the 98.1% active nontreponemal test result in the se-of the fluorescent treponemal antibody-abrodiagnosis of syphilis. The Bio-EnzaBead sorption (FTA-ABS) test. Heating of the has a sensitivity of 95.2% in untreated specimens did not adversely affect the test syphilis when read at 405 nm with 80% of outcome, and it eliminated background the 1 + optical density (OD) used as the readings seen with the negative control breakpoint OD between reactive and non-beads. reactive results. This sensitivity is compa-