36Since the discovery of the receptive field, scientists have tracked receptive field structure 37 to gain insights about mechanisms of sensory processing. At the level of the thalamus 38 and cortex, this linear filter approach has been challenged by findings that populations of 39 cortical neurons respond in a stereotyped fashion to sensory stimuli. Here, we elucidate 40 a possible mechanism by which gating of cortical representations occurs. All-or-none 41 population responses (here called "ON" and "OFF" responses) were observed in vivo and 42 in vitro in the mouse auditory cortex at near-threshold acoustic or electrical stimulation. 43 ON-responses were associated with previously-described UP states in the auditory 44 cortex. OFF-responses in the cortex were only eliminated by blocking GABAergic 45 inhibition in the thalamus. Opto-and chemogenetic silencing of NTSR-positive 46 corticothalamic layer 6 (CTL6) neurons as well as the pharmacological blocking of the 47 thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) retrieved the missing cortical responses, suggesting that 48 the corticothalamic feedback inhibition via TRN controls the gating of thalamocortical 49 activity. Moreover, the oscillation of the pre-stimulus activity of corticothalamic cells 50 predicted the cortical ON vs. OFF responses, suggesting that underlying cortical 51 oscillation controls thalamocortical gating. These data suggest that the thalamus may 52 recruit cortical ensembles rather than linearly encoding ascending stimuli and that 53 corticothalamic projections play a key role in selecting cortical ensembles for activation. 54 55 56 57Introduction: 58 Our interactions with the world depend on how the sensory information is transmitted, 59 integrated, and processed in the nervous system. Most models of perception propose 60 that activation of the cerebral cortex is critical for conscious experience of sensory stimuli.
61For most of our senses, the thalamus is a critical brain structure to allow information to 62 reach the cortex. One view of thalamic function proposed that thalamus governs the 63 sensory representation in the cortex by linearly transmitting the sensory information from 64 lower sensory structures to the cortex. This view emerged after the descriptions of 65 receptive field transformations in the visual system by Hubel and Wiesel (1). According 66 to this idea, cortical activity patterns during sensory perception should be predictable 67 based on activity patterns in the thalamus and patterns of synaptic convergence of 68 thalamocortical neurons onto cortical neurons.
69However, this view does not comport with findings that population activity in sensory 70 cortices is often stereotyped and recapitulates patterns of cortical spontaneous activity 71 (2-5). In addition, a linear filter model cannot explain the presence of formed complex 72 hallucinations, which are associated with elevated activity in the primary sensory cortices 73 (6-8). As such, a hypothesis has emerged that sensory representations are developed by 74 earl...