Pre-calling behavior of female adults of Helicoverpa armigera reared on artificial diet (Insecta LF) during the larval stage and fed on water and honey solutions (5, 10 and 20%) was observed. The quality of the adult diet did not influence the distribution of the pre-calling period (PCP). However, the calling rate was significantly higher in the three honey-fed groups (100%) than in the water-fed group (87.5%). In the next experiment, pre-calling behavior of female adults that were reared on Insecta LF during the larval stage and fed on 10% honey solution starting from different days after emergence was observed. The delay of adult feeding did not influence the calling rate, although the PCP was slightly prolonged in individuals which were not fed on honey solution until the onset of night 3 or night 5 (night 0ϭnight of adult eclosion). In the experiment in which larvae were fed on different qualities of food (cotton leaf, okra fruit and Insecta LF), the calling rate varied greatly depending on the adult diet. When fed on honey solution, almost all adults called irrespective of their larval diet. However, when fed on water only, the calling rate of adults fed on Insecta LF during the larval period was 60.4%, while those of adults fed on cotton leaf and okra fruit were only 16.7% and 33.3%, respectively. These results indicate that most female adults of H. armigera can attain reproductive maturity even without feeding on nutritious diets when provided with highly nutritious diets during the larval period, and most female adults can not attain reproductive maturity without feeding on nutritious diets when provided with low nutritive value diets during the larval period.