The ␣-and -subunits of human hemoglobin consist of the modules M1, M2 ؉ M3, and M4, which correspond to the exons 1, 2, and 3, respectively (Go, M. (1981) Nature 291, 90 -92). To gain further insight into functional and structural significance of the modules, we designed two kinds of chimeric hemoglobin subunits (chimeric ␣␣-and ␣-subunits), in which the module M4 was replaced by the partner subunits. CD spectra in the far-UV region showed that the secondary structure of the chimeric ␣␣-subunit drastically collapsed, while the chimeric ␣-subunit conserved the native globin structure (Wakasugi, K., Ishimori, K., Imai, K., Wada, Y., and Morishima, I. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 18750 -18756). SAXS data also suggested a partially disordered structure of the chimeric ␣␣-subunit. Based on tryptophan fluorescence spectra and computer modeling from x-ray structures of native globins, steric constraint between Trp 14 and Tyr 125 would be induced in the chimeric ␣␣-subunit, which would perturb the packing of the A-and H-helices and destabilize the globule structure. On the other hand, such a steric constraint was not found for the counterpart chimeric subunit, the ␣-subunit. The different stabilities of these module-substituted globins imply that modules would not always be stable "structural" units, and interactions between modules are crucial to construct stable globin subunits.Recent structural studies on proteins have revealed that some are constructed by "modules," which are compact structural units (1, 3). The exon shuffling in protein evolution with the correspondence of the module to the exon on the gene structure strongly suggested that the module structure is one of the key factors in evolution of structure and function of protein (4, 5). The module structure was first identified in the globin family (1), and their diagonal plots have clearly shown that both of the Hb subunits (␣-and -subunits) consist of the four modular structures, the modules M1, M2, M3, and M4 (1), each of which is coded by an exon with the exception of the large central exon comprising two compact units.The analysis of hemoglobin functions showed that the amino acid residues associated with the heme contacts are concentrated in the central modules (M2 ϩ M3) as illustrated in Fig. 1 (6). In 1980, by using a protease, Craik et al. (7,8) isolated the central region of the -subunit, which corresponds to the module M2 ϩ M3 and is coded by the central exon of the -subunit. They showed that the fragment from the central region bound heme stoichiometrically and tightly, generating a characteristic strong Soret absorption band as found for the intact subunits. De Sanctis et al. (9 -12) also prepared "minimyoglobin," which is constructed by the peptide fragment from 32 (Leu) to 139 (Asn) of horse heart myoglobin. The heme binding property of the minimyoglobin peptide was almost the same as that of the intact myoglobin, and the heme binding induced the recovery of secondary structure of the minimyoglobin. They concluded that the remova...