Dip-A, Dip-B, and Dip-C constitute structural genes for three peptidic enzymes in Drosophila melanogaster distinct from the leucine aminopeptidases. Their ontogenetic and tissue distributions of activities suggest the involvement of these enzymes in a general metabolic role, such as the regulation of amino acid and oligopeptide pools to make amino acids available for protein synthesis. Screening of chromosome substitution isogenic lines for DIP-C activity indicated that, like DIP-A and DIP-B, unlinked activity modifiers exist for Dip-C. The developmental profiles of dipeptidase activities are very similar, except in the pupal stage, during which DIP-C activity is markedly low compared to the other two enzymes. Intercorrelations of dipeptidase activities vary ontogenetically, which is consistent with the need for coordinate expression of these enzymes during certain developmental stages. Tissue-specific expression of dipeptidases in larvae and adults are also similar, although the relative levels of DIP-A activity differ from those of DIP-B and DIP-C in certain organs and body parts. Some of the differences among chromosome substitution lines for dipeptidase activities appear to be systemic, while others are developmental stage-specific and tissue-specific. Second- and third-chromosome variants for DIP-C activity differed in their tissue distribution. This is consistent with the presence of temporal and spatial variants in natural populations for other Drosophila enzymes.