주제어 : 스트레스, 임파워먼트, 재활, 동기, 뇌졸중, 환자, 융복합 Abstract The purpose of this study has been done to identify the influencing factors on rehabilitation motive of stroke patients. A sample of 138 stroke patients in Long-term Care and rehabilitation hospitals completed questionnaires through face -to -face interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Stepwise multiple regression. Rehabilitation motive of stroke pacients was correlated with empowerment (r=.467, p<.001), but not with perceived stress(r=.-.186, p=.029). In a multiple regression, empowerment (β=.432, p<.001) and primary care-giver (β=.175, p=.023) were associated with rehabilitation motive. These factors attributed to 24% of the total variance in rehabilitation motive. Therefore, the study finding suggests that these significant factors should be considered when developing and implementing convergent care strategies for stroke patients in order to promote their rehabilitation motive.