1. Many forms of human and experimental hypertension begin with compromised renal function. Essential hypertension may be another such case. 2. The kidneys of subjects with essential hypertension excrete normal amounts of salt and water at higher-than-normal renal perfusing pressures. Other overt signs of renal dysfunction are few; renal disease is excluded by definition. However, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate are usually less than normal in essential hypertension. 3. Renal afferent resistance can be calculated from arterial pressure, renal blood flow, and an estimate of glomerular capillary pressure. These calculations indicate that afferent resistance is increased to two or more times normal in essential hypertension. 4. It is not clear whether afferent constriction causes hypertension or results from it. The ability of high pressure to produce vascular damage points to the latter. But, most essential hypertensives show low-to-normal plasma renin levels and a marked afferent dilation after saline loading. These observations do not suggest nephrosclerosis: they are consistent with a causal role for afferent constriction. 5. We can speculate that, in essential hypertension, there is a defect in one of the mechanisms that sets afferent resistance. Afferent constriction could result from extrinsic influences (neural or humoral) or something totally within the kidney, such as abnormal handling of information from the macula densa. 6. The effect of afferent constriction on salt-and-water excretion would theoretically be offset by elevated arterial pressure so that the actual salt-and-water excretion would be normal, but only so long as the arterial pressure remained elevated.