In polarized motile cells, stress fibers display specific three-dimensional organization. Ventral stress fibers, attached to focal adhesions at both ends, are restricted to the basal side of the cell and nonprotruding cell sides. Dorsal fibers, transverse actin arcs, and perinuclear actin fibers emanate from protruding cell front toward the nucleus and toward apical side of the cell. Perinuclear cap fibers further extend above the nucleus, associate with nuclear envelope through LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex and terminate in focal adhesions at cell rear. How are perinuclear actin fibers formed is poorly understood. We show that the formation of perinuclear actin fibers requires dorsal stress fibers that polymerize from focal adhesions at leading edge, and transverse actin arcs that are interconnected with dorsal fibers in spots rich in a-actinin-1. During cell polarization, the interconnected dorsal fibers and transverse arcs move from leading edge toward dorsal side of the cell. As they move, transverse arcs associate with one end of stress fibers present at nonprotruding cell sides, move them above the nucleus thus forming perinuclear actin fibers. Furthermore, the formation of perinuclear actin fibers induces temporal rotational movement of the nucleus resulting in nuclear reorientation to the direction of migration. These results suggest that the network of dorsal fibers, transverse arcs, and perinuclear fibers transfers mechanical signal between the focal adhesions and nuclear envelope that regulates the nuclear reorientation in polarizing cells.
IntroductionIn migrating cells, actin forms diverse types of stress fibers that differ in morphological, structural, and contractile characteristics [1][2][3][4]. Contractile ventral or basal stress fibers lie along the base of the cell usually parallel to the direction of migration and they are attached to the focal adhesions at both ends. Ventral stress fibers are rich in a-actinin and myosin that crosslink the actin fibers and mediate their contractility. Ventral stress fibers are involved in diverse cellular functions such as maturation of adhesions, formation of nonprotrusive cell rear during cell spreading [5], establishment of front-rear polarity [6][7][8], generation of traction forces, retraction of the trailing edge [9,10], and regulation of cell shape on compliant substrates [11]. Contractile stress fibers also participate in remodeling of extracellular matrix [12].In contrast to ventral stress fibers that are confined to the basal side of the cell, an array of dorsal fibers, Abbreviations ECM, extracellular matrix; KASH, Klarsicht/ANC-1/Syne-1 homology; LINC, linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton; SIM, structured illumination microscopy.