The loss of a child is one of the most traumatic experiences a person can go through. Parents who have suffered the loss of a child may bring another child into the world after or before completing the grieving process. Children born after the loss are referred to as subsequent children. The reality of loss and the attitudes of the bereaved parent affect the identity and mental state of the child born after loss. This study used the qualitative research method to understand the life experiences of children born after loss in depth. In line with the determined research method, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with ten participants born after loss. The data obtained in the study were analyzed by thematic analysis. As a result of the thematic analysis, the main themes of "about the lost child", "the effect of being born after loss on life", "being a child born after loss", and "grief" were determined. The main theme "about the lost child" included information about the deceased sibling, objects and photographs, the cause and manner of death, images and fantasies about the sibling, emotions, and contact needs. Under the main theme of "the impact of being born after the loss of life", both the identity and psychological development of individuals, the impact on their career choices and their parents' attitudes were found. Under the main theme, "being a child born after loss", participants talked about being a scapegoat, a comforting child, or a gifted child. In the last main theme, "grief", participants gave information about their parents' grief, their grief, and their experiences of coping with this grief. It has been shown that coming into the world after loss affects individuals' identity, mental state, and choice of profession, and they may face negative parental attitudes. It may be recommended to monitor the grief processes of parents with child loss and to guide the planning of new children.