This paper is devoted to the quantitative investigation of the availability of cloud service systems. In this paper we calculate the criteria and constraints of a distributed service platform such as availability and system performance index variations by defined set of the main parameters. We analyze the calculation results to enable optimal synthesis of distributed service platforms based on the cloud service-oriented architecture. The method of synthesis has been numerically generalized considering the type of service workload. We used Hurst parameter to statistically evaluate each integrated service that requires implementation within the service delivery platform. The latter is synthesized by structural matching of virtual machines using combination of elementary service components. According to Amdahl's Law the clustering of cloud-networks allows to break the complex dynamic network into separate segments that simplifies access to the resources of virtual machines. This in turn simplifies complex topological structure, enhancing the overall system performance. The proposed approaches and obtained results allow to numerically justify and algorithmically describe the process of structural and functional synthesis of efficient distributed service platforms. These platforms through dynamic configuring and exploitation provide an opportunity to create the dynamic environment in terms of comprehensive services range and significant user workload fluctuation.