Geographically, Lombok Island is located in an area with an active seismic activity level. With these conditions, Lombok is considered to have large earthquake potential. This study aims to dig deeper into the forms of community and government resilience in Lombok in dealing with disasters. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection technique is through a literature study in the form of research results published in national and international journals, theses, dissertations, and policy papers. Data analysis used the metaaggregation technique by a qualitative systematic review method. The results of the study show at least three points, namely (1) the Government is recorded to have post-disaster programs that have been implemented in affected communities, (2) the Government cooperates with other institutions and non-institutions for the resilience of the Lombok people, and (3) the resilience of the Lombok people is carried out in two aspects, namely internal and external. The internal aspect includes the resilience of the Lombok people as survivors of natural and non-natural disasters, which are dominated by strengthening the values of local Sasak wisdom. In contrast, the external aspect is a resilience effort carried out by the Government for the affected communities, including social assistance, social support, disaster mitigation, and psychological therapy for the affected Lombok community.