This review presents a summary of the significant investigations in child psychology during the past five years from the experimental and theoretical aspects; a majority of the references relate to experimental procedures.A review of the literature on the subject for 1921 and 1922 was published in the BULLETIN in 1923 (19). Scientific interest in the psychology of the child as reflected through literature has grown rapidly with the differentiation into many specific fields and a marked change from questionnaire, observational, and group studies toward clinical, experimental, and personality studies. While the number of articles on mental tests has not diminished, there has been a marked growth in the number of experimental studies dealing with the psychological analysis of the test situations as well as increased emphasis on child behavior and mental hygiene. With the increase in the number of publications, it has become both desirable and necessary to limit this summary to strictly psychological studies instead of including psychoeducational and psychosociological investigations. A total of 539 references are cited; these include references to special bibliographies.