, where k is an infinite field. If k has characteristic zero, then Stanley proved that A has the Weak Lefschetz Property (WLP). Henceforth, k has positive characteristic p. If n = 3, then Brenner and Kaid have identified all d, as a function of p, for which A has the WLP. In the present paper, the analogous project is carried out for 4 ≤ n. If 4 ≤ n and p = 2, then A has the WLP if and only if d = 1. If n = 4 and p is odd, then we prove that A has the WLP if and only if d = kq + r for integers k, q, r with 1 ≤ k ≤ p−1 2 , r ∈ q−1 2 , q+1 2 , and q = p e for some non-negative integer e. If 5 ≤ n, then we prove that A has the WLP if and only if n(d−1)+3 2