Effects of elevated CO2 (700/.tL L -l) and a control (350/tL L -I CO2) on the productivity of a 3-year-old ryegrass/white clover pasture, and on soil biochemical properties, were investigated with turves of a Typic Endoaquept soil in growth chambers. Temperature treatments corresponding to average winter, spring, and summer conditions in the field were applied consecutively to all of the turves. An additional treatment, at 700/IL L-i CO2 and a temperature 6°C higher throughout than in the other treatments, was included.Under the same temperature conditions, overall herbage yields in the '700 #L L-l CO2' treatment were ca. 7% greater than in the control at the end of the 'summer' period. Root mass (to ca 25 cm depth) in the '700 juL L-CO2' treatment was then about 50% greater than in the control, but in the '700 ~L L -1 CO2 + 6°C ' treatment it was 6% lower than in the control. Based on decomposition results, herbage from the '700 ~tL L-l + 6oc , treatment probably contained the highest proportion of readily decomposable components.Elevated CO2 had no consistent effect on soil total C and N, microbial C and N, or extractable C concentrations in any of the treatments. Under the same temperature conditions, it did, however, enhance soil respiration (CO2-C production) and invertase activity. The effects of elevated CO2 on rates of net N mineralization were less distinct, and the apparent availability of N for the sward was not affected. Under elevated CO2, soil in the higher-temperature treatment had a higher microbial C:N ratio; it also had a greater potential to degrade plant materials.Data interpretation was complicated by soil spatial variability and the moderately high background levels of organic matter and biochemical properties that are typical of New Zealand pasture soils. More rapid cycling of C under CO2 enrichment is, nevertheless, indicated. Futher long-term experiments are required to determine the overall effect of elevated CO2 on the soil C balance.