Synchronous tumor is described as two different tumors presenting at the same time in the same organ. Pulmonary tumors existing in different lobes or different sides of the lungs at the same time are defined as pulmonary synchronous tumors. We describe three different cases that were diagnosed by different methods and that had different clinical outcomes. Within the first case, the second tumor was determined while the patient was receiving chemotherapy. In the second case, the tumor was diagnosed by flow cytometric examination. And in the third case, the tumor was diagnosed intraoperatively by frozen section. Synchronous tumors are uncommon, they occur in 1-2 % of all bronchial carcinomas. Concerning the better survival rates of surgical treatment, the possibility of synchronous tumor should be remembered in the cases that have separate lesions.
Key words: Lung cancer, pulmonary, synchronous tumorSenkron tümör tanımı, bir organda aynı anda iki farklı tümör saptanması olarak özetlenebilir. Akciğerlerde aynı anda farklı lokalizasyonlarda pulmoner tümör saptanması durumunda pulmoner senkron tümörden bahsedilir. Bronş karsinomu serisi içinde karşılaşılan üç pulmoner senkron tü-mör olgusunu, tanı aşamasındaki ve klinik seyirlerindeki farklılıklar nedeniyle sunulması amaçlan-dı. Birinci olgu; akciğer kanseri tanısı ile kemoterapi protokolüde iken ikinci tümör saptandı. İkinci olguda senkron tümör tanısı preoperatif "flow-sitometrik" inceleme ile ortaya konuldu. Üçüncü olguda ise senkron tümör tanısı ameliyat sırasına "frozen" biyopsi ile ispatlandı. Oldukça seyrek olarak görülen senkron tümörler tüm akciğer kanserlerinin yaklaşık % 1-2'sini oluşturmaktadır. Birden fazla kitle ile başvuran olgularda senkron tümör olasılığı akılda tutularak, olgulara cerrahi tedavi şansı verilebilmekte ve cerrahi olmayan tedavi protokollerine göre daha uzun bir sağkalım şansı sağlanabilmektedir.Anahtar kelimeler: Akciğer kanseri, pulmoner, senkron tümör L ung cancer is one of the most common causes of death associated with cancer. Five year survival rate of surgical treatment is better than medical treatment (1,2). Synchronous tumors are described as two different tumors presenting at the same time in the same organ. Pulmonary tumors existing in different lobes or different sides of the lungs at the same time are defined as pulmonary synchronous tumors (3).However surgical management of synchronous tumors is still controversial. Synchronous tumors are uncommon, occurring in 1-2 % of all lung cancers (2). In the literature 5-year survival rate of pulmonary synchronous tumors is reported between 0 % and 6 % (1, 2,4).In this study we report three different non-small cell pulmonary synchronous tumors and try to argue the role of surgical management.
Case 1A 58-year-old man was admitted with dispnea. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest demonstrated a peripherally located 6x4x2 cm mass in the left lower lobe.